Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Moving from Belgium to England

This is the first certificate we've received for offsetting our customers cumulative carbon footprint for the period November 07 - January 08.
The Carbon Neutral Company is well accredited, and you can read their policies and offset programmes on their web site.
I accept that some of the scientific claims being made about carbon offset programmes are unreliable, and as I'm not a scientist I am unable to work out whether carbon offset actually helps our planet, but I do believe that if everyone did something then the cumulative effect could have an impact on climate change. Planting more trees can't be a bad thing.
I do believe, however, that if a company makes a claim that it is offsetting its customers carbon footprint, then at least the process should be made transparent. Which is why I've published the certificate on my Blog, and will continue to do so every three months.
Peter McEwan

Capital Worldwide Limited
Web site:
Phone: 02 535 7430

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