Friday, 22 June 2007

Climate change

On May 1st this year I started using a formula I have developed to calculate the carbon footprint of each of our customer's moves. I then started to include in my quoted price the cost to have this carbon footprint offset through an organisation called The Carbon Neutral Company.

The cost is not great - £8 per tonne of co2. There's been a lot of bad publicity about the offsetting industry, because after some investigation it seems that some of the offsetting schemes don't meet up to the claims being made.

I'm confident that the Carbon Neutral Company is employing best practice. They offset the co2 I report to them by contributing to a scheme to replant the Caledonian forests, and then they send out a certificate to confirm this has been done.

After carrying out some research I realised that the transport industry is one of the major contributors to co2 and other greenhouse gas levels. We have, therefore, a responsibility to make an effort to identify ways that we can reduce the co2 our trucks produce. Meeting E.U. standards is one of ways, and so is offsetting.

Some critics argue that carbon offsetting is just a marketing gimmick, others point out to the claims that offsetting is dodgy science. For me, well I'm reminded of something Mahatma Ghandi said:

"Whatever you do may seem insignificant to you, but it is most important that you do it"

Capital Worldwide Limited
Web site:
Phone: 02 535 7430

Etat de lieux

In the 19 years I've been living and working in Brussels with the expatriate community, one issue has dominated the relocation procedure - the etat de lieux. The problem starts when you move to Brussels, because if no one has told you what to expect then how can you know what is the best procedure to follow. Most landlords and their agents will kindly suggest that you share the cost of the Expert-GĂ©ometres, and on face value it looks to be a good offer. What you are not told is: 1. The Expert's fees before you agree so that you know what your share will be. 2. That you are entitled to have your own Expert present. 3. That the Expert chosen by the landlord might be the same Expert who handles all the landlord's properties and who might be forgiven for having the landlord's best interest before yours.

Many customer's that I've moved have not been aware of their rights to appoint their own Expert, and some have paid sums equal to the Expert's full fees and not just 50% as was agreed. But most of all, people are frightened about the inspection because they have heard that landlords are looking to keep some of the deposit. When you have your own Expert the first thing you gain is peace of mind. Your Expert will represent you on the day of the inspection and will have to negotiate any costs for repairs etc. with the landlord's Expert, thus avoiding a worrying face to face stand off with the landlord also gain because there's no way the landlord can rip you off with outrageous charges.

The Union Belge des GĂ©ometres-Experts is the official organisation representing the profession. Their web page allows you to enter the commune in which you live and then provides a list of local Experts. Remember that your Expert should be fluent in the language the etat de lieux was written in. If you are leaving Belgium, you must have notified the landlord, by registered mail, of your intention to appoint your own Expert no later than 15 working days before the rental contract expires.

Capital Worldwide Limited
Web site:
Phone: 02 535 7430

Sunday, 3 June 2007

Belgium's British Removal Company

Road-Trains (see picture) are ideal for moving large volumes around Europe. This one has a capacity of 96 cubic metres.

However, there's another reason these combination vehicles are ideal for European moves: the front end can detach from the trailer thereby permitting access to narrow streets and getting around traffic intensive cities.

The Road-Train in the picture can also demount the body on the trailer and fit another one on, which is ideal for storing consignments over the weekend without having to manhandle everything off the vehicle.

Finally, storage containers can be loaded direct onto the vehicle by opening the doors on the side of the body.

Capital Worldwide Limited
Web site:
Phone: 02 535 7430

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